Let your startup take flight with 
a web or mobile app. 

Extend your team with our experienced developers and together we can transform your idea into a world class product.

Are you looking for someone to sort the technology side of things for your startup? This can be a daunting task, requiring a huge leap of faith.

If you're backing yourself to do something new and fantastic, then you need someone who will share your passion. That's us, Custom D.

We partner with funded startups who are looking to evolve their concepts into scalable products. Leveraging over 10 years of expertise, our skilled developers will help bring your vision to life.

Let our team of skilled developers collaborate with you to transform your idea into an exceptional product.


We understand what it takes to get an app launched. What you deliver on day one is often just the beginning - rapid iteration as you test the market is essential to your ability to quickly respond to market feedback.


Startup funding can be lumpy, and having the luxury of ramping up development or conversely slowing it down is the benefit of working with a professional external development team.

An extension of your team

Design, development, UX/UI, security and server management are just some of the specific disciplines needed to cover all the bases of good app development. Our experts can supplement the skills of your in-house team.

We're local

We know that face-to-face time is critical to building a meaningful relationship and throughly getting to know your business. Our offices are in Sydney and Christchurch which means we're never far away.

Quote Mark

They do business with integrity and bring a lot of value to the table. Custom D provided security and quality that we needed to finish the project.

Danny Hui, Founder - Sameview

Our skilled developers are always here providing guidance, support, and acting as your business extension.

Working with us

Navigating the waters of life as a startup can be tough, so having the right people on your team is crucial. Not only are we great developers, we're also here to offer a guiding hand, be a sounding board and act as an extension of your business.

Great projects happen when there's trust and a strong relationship - and that's something we work hard on with all of our clients. So if you have a project brewing, get in touch and let's start talking.

Be inspired by other's...

Startup Stories Ep 1 - Female Tech Founders
Startup Stories Ep 1 - Female Tech Founders

In this episode we talk to two female tech founders who built tech products to solve a problem they had. Both women have no technical background, technology is simply the vehicle used to solve their problems.

Startup Stories Ep 2 - Art Money
Startup Stories Ep 2 - Art Money

A FinTech startup, Art Money is a web app that allows anyone to apply for an interest free loan to purchase artworks from participating galleries, spreading their payment over ten monthly instalments. We talk about how Paul got started, pitching for investments and much more.

Startup Stories Ep 5 - Student Volunteer Army
Startup Stories Ep 5 - Student Volunteer Army

We talk with Sam Johnson, who co-founded the SVA after the Christchurch earthquakes, about his rise from student to high profile thought leader.