Inspire Foundation

Grant Application

Screen capture of the Inspire Foundation homepage

Inspire Foundation helps talented youngsters in a variety of fields, from sports to the arts, by offering funding grants to help them reach their goals.

The foundation’s volunteer staff were struggling with highly manual processes that were not scalable and already stifling further growth.

We developed a custom-built solution to automate the application and review process, freeing up volunteer time and allowing them to expand into other NZ centres.

Quote Mark

The introduction of the online application screening and approval system has saved our application review team hundreds of hours of time and made their collaboration on candidate assessment so much easier. The CustomD software was a game changer for us and worked brilliantly from day one.

Paul Wright - Chairman, Inspire Foundation

What We Built

Website, online grant application and grantee portal, online application collaboration tool and backend workflow tool.

Greater Efficiency

Online forms that instantly validate user input and ensure all information required is provided have significantly reduced application 
turn-around times.

Volunteer Retention

Easy-to-use administration tools for volunteer staff mean less frustration and a lower demand on their time.

Data Integrity

All information coming through on applications can now be relied upon and is stored in a centralised location for easy access and reporting.


The solution has allowed the foundation to take on a higher volume of grantee applications without needing to increase staff.